Hugo Richard

Hugo Richard

Developer and Designer

I like to make things, lots of things, and I'm pretty good at it. I believe in a more simple and meaningful web. Want to know more about me? Read my story.



I'm currently working on a lot of projects, but the most important one is Mockline, a components library that aim to make development faster and easier for everyone. Check out some of my projects here: /works.



You can stay up to date with my work and thoughts on X/Twitter where I'm most active, or check out my code on GitHub i have a lot of open source projects, pieces of code, etc... where i'm sure you can find something useful for you. And because you cannot live normally without music, you can also check out my playlists on Spotify.

I'm also on a platform that I don't like so much, LinkedIn.

This website is fully open-source, you can find the source code on GitHub