Hugo Richard

Hugo Richard

Frontend Architect and Designer

They say the devil is in the details. I say that's where the magic happens. Want to know what drives me? Read more about me.


Currently building two tools I'm proud of: Shelve, simplifying how teams share and manage environment variables, and Mockline, a component library that makes beautiful development effortless. Explore my work: /works


The best way to follow my work and thoughts is through X/Twitter, where I actively share my development journey, from technical insights to project updates or explore them on GitHub, I have a lot of open source projects, pieces of code, etc... where i'm sure you can find something useful for you. And because life without music would be unimaginable, you can also check out my playlists on Spotify. I'm also on a platform that I don't like so much, LinkedIn.

This website is fully open-source, you can find the source code on GitHub